District Calendar
MLT State Class - Amity Tutorial
Wednesday, January 25, 2023, 07:30pm
Workshop Schedule:
Wednesday January 25th 2023 7:30 p.m. EST
The Amity Mobile App explained by Founder and developer Worshipful Brother Jeremey Barnes. This mobile app has been authorized by the Grand Lodge of Florida for use as a dues card, vetting visitors, finding lodges and tracking masonic travel, reviewing recognition and much much more. MLT Credit will be given.
You must register online here:
Your Grand Lodge Membership Number is Required to participate if you do not have it contact your lodge secretary.Special Note: You will receive MLT credit for Module 15 for this workshop.
For More Information contact:
R:. W:. Bill Catsulis State Chairman
R:. W:. Jay Cebollero Vice State Chairman