District Calendar
My Brothers, it is with great pleasure that the brethren of J. F. Swartsel Lodge Number 251 Free and Accepted Masons announce a celebration to recognize the 100th year that our lodge has been in existence and serving our fraternity, the community, and the great county in which we live. This is not only an announcement of the celebration, but also an invitation, and encouragement, for you and a guest or guests of your choice to attend said celebration. The event is scheduled to be held at J. F. Swartsel Lodge, 3109 West Lutz Lake Fern Road, Lutz, Fl. 33558, on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, at 6:30 PM. Most Worshipful Donald W. Cowart, Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of the State of Florida, has been invited and plans to attend. As space at the lodge is limited to one hundred participants, it is requested that, for our planning purposes, you RSVP within a week of your receipt of this invitation. Thank you. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, April 23rd.
W:. M:. Allan Arthur Jenkins
NOTE: A newly minted J. F. Swartsel Challenge Coin that commemorates this event will be available for purchase at the event.